Factoring & Service Charges
Due to the structure of the ActiveH system, factoring can be performed using ActiveH Rents and Scheme Accounting (Factoring and Service charges). When considering factoring, invoices are generated from the Rent Accounting module, based on data provided by both the rent account and data held within the Scheme Accounting module. The generation of the invoices can be individual or in bulk and generated at any time. Invoices would be sent out using the ActiveH communications service and can be generated as an email, letter, or secure message within the ActiveH Customer Portal. When a property is sold, the active rent account associated would be terminated with a specific date. If charges have been applied that carry over the termination date, an automatic adjustment would be made on the rent account to credit this. Services are then started again for the new owner, which are a pro-rata charge of the annual charges held against the rent account.
Can statements be generated?
Yes, statements can be generated from within ActiveH, based on current charges, payments, and balances of the rent account. These documents can be issued as an invoice, but it is not an official sales invoice as this would come from the finance system. As ActiveH is not a period-based system, reports, and communications, including statements, arrears letters, etc. generated can show data calculated as at today’s date, a historical date, or a date in the future.
Will it be able to store all my information?
ActiveH has the ability to hold information about properties (i.e., Factoring agreements, insurance status – insured by us, own insurance + schedule, contact records, contractor visits, owner details, forwarding addresses, consultations, and results etc). All data relating to the properties can be stored within ActiveH, if it specifically relates to the asset, such as insurance status it would sit as an asset attributes. If it relates specifically to the rent account, it will sit within Rent Accounting and if it relates to repairs, it will sit within the Repairs module. Various dashboards throughout ActiveH would then bring this data together and display it. This data is also gathered and displayed together within ActiveH CRM, giving the user a full understanding of all interactions based on the contact and/or property.
ActiveH Scheme Accounting calculates and apportions service charges for estates, schemes, blocks, etc. If a single invoice has been processed within your finance system, ActiveH will collect that data and present it within the Scheme Accounting module, together with other invoices that are coded to the same cost account and calculate the appropriate apportionments for all properties based on your rules. The ActiveH system also allows for the ability for holding a float information for owners.
Can I have a sub-account?
Against a main rent account within the Rent Accounting module, each tenancy can have one or multiple sub accounts. Sub accounts are used to manage charges and payments that are not related to the main account, they have their own debt management processes and payment methods. A sub account would be used to hold float information for owners. Sinking fund contributions are calculated within the Scheme Accounting module, based on your rules, whether this uses data within ActiveH on component replacements to predict how much of a contribution is required over the coming years and averaging this out before apportioning to the individual units or whether the contribution is a fixed amount. This is then transferred as a charge to the rent accounts for collection. The balance of a sinking fund could be retrieved from your finance system and displayed within ActiveH if required using workflow.
ActiveH has an inbuild communications service that manages all communications sent out from ActiveH and allows for emails, SMS, letters, secure messaging, etc. Within the Rent Accounting module, the owners would be associated with the property by way of a sundry account, this link is used to identify the contact record and retrieve the appropriate email address for sending of automated or manually generated emails. The breakdown of services provided at each area is held within the Scheme Accounting module and is used to calculate the appropriate service charges for all assets within the estate, scheme, block, etc. Communications (whether it be email, letter, secure message, etc.) are then generated from within ActiveH to your customers. These can be generated automatically or manually depending on your requirements.
If for any reason charges are cancelled, within the Rent Accounting module, a charge held against an account can be ended at any time and the end date could be backdated, which would raise an automatic adjustment to the account. This would become the credit note and if required, a communication can be generated out to your customer.
Learn more about the ActiveH customer portal here, or alternatively, get in touch with a member of the team at ask@mis-ams.com