
MIS-AMS offers excellent training to all customers. Continuously helping them to ensure they are up to date with all training which is customised to each individual. 


The quality of our training is second to none. Our satisfaction statistics are of the highest in our marketplace. This is due to each training session being uniquely tailored to our client’s needs, whether “training the trainer” or individual colleagues. Keeping everyone up to speed with our products protects our client’s investment and we are always looking for more ways to innovate in this area.


Latest news and articles


MIS Group acquires AssetCore

MIS Group are delighted to announce that we have acquired AssetCore (, a SaaS solution designed specifically to help social housing organisations secure and manage debt utilising data and records from a housing management system and combining this with information held in a Finance or Treasury system. Christopher McLaughlin, Managing

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A Look Back and a Look Forward: Shaping the Future of Social Housing Software

Last week, MIS and Incline IT hosted a successful Customer Update Meeting, bringing together social housing professionals. The event offered a platform for sharing the latest developments in housing management software, fostering valuable discussions, and, most importantly, gathering crucial customer feedback. Collaboration for Innovation The energy at the meeting was

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MIS Retain Security Accreditation

MIS has achieved ISO/IEC 27001 certification for information security management. This internationally recognised standard ensures we have adequate policies, procedures, and controls in place to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of company and customer information across our systems and processes. Attaining this certification required a tremendous cross-functional effort to

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